As global leaders in nonwovens and materials innovation, NIRI now also offers a ‘plug-in’ approach to research and development. Our NIRI Accelerator service supports world-class businesses to move products to market faster. We streamline product development through shared expertise and effective collaboration. Don’t let a skill shortage negatively impact your business thanks to innovative solutions from NIRI.
The NIRI Accelerator works by assigning an Innovation Partner to a client’s development team. The Innovation Partner’s primary task is to manage the communication channels and accelerate innovation across multiple projects and programs. Through the Innovation Partner, the customer has full access to NIRI’s extensive prototyping capability and support. NIRI is very proud of our team of 40-plus world-class textile scientists and engineers. Get them working for your business to drive new product development.
“One arguably unexpected outcome from Covid is the current global recruitment challenge, that is felt across all sectors. It is impacting on the capacity and capability to develop new technologies and products within commercially viable timeframes. For companies that struggle to recruit highly skilled staff and train them up to the necessary level of expertise, NIRI offers instant expertise and capability through the NIRI Accelerator. We help clients with agile R&D and support them from concept though to commercialisation.”
For the cost of one employee, clients have access not only to the scientist assigned to the project and embedded within the company, but also to NIRI’s full innovation team and the Institute’s world class facilities. As the innovation director at one £2.5billion company puts it, “NIRI has the abilities and the facilities that we do not.”
Dr. Ross Ward, Chief Commercial Officer at NIRI
Facilities available to companies through the Accelerator include a full range of state-of-the-art prototyping equipment, covering fiber and filament, drylaid, wetlaid, spunmelt, nanofiber and bonding. NIRI’s comprehensive analytical services include fabric structure, fiber and surface analysis; chemical, thermal and filtration properties; hygiene testing and liquid transport, as well as physical testing facilities for fibers, yarns and fabrics.
Want to find out more about how this plug-in service can support and boost your own innovation? Please get in touch with the NIRI team today. Email or call us on +44 (0)113 350 3829. Our solutions can help you overcome your skill shortage and deliver new products.